Dear friends,
We invite you to join us from 14-21 October 2018 in prayer to our Mighty God, who answers the prayers of His believing people. We ask you to focus on:
- for the addition of two male and two female volunteers who are now fully recognised Street Angels, and who have become valued members of the weekly patrol team
- for the continued good relationships BSA experiences with those who are also engaged in supporting the vulnerable on Saturday nights
- that God gives wisdom, protection and His presence to the patrol as they walk the streets of the town
- for good camaraderie amongst the team as they come from different backgrounds, age groups and churches
- for the provision of additional female volunteers to supplement the current six active female Street Angels – a minimum of one is essential for each team, and sickness, holidays, family responsibilities and unavoidable absences can threaten our ability to have at least one team out on a Saturday night. (Saturday night patrols have to be cancelled if no female team member is available to go out)
- for wisdom regarding the possible re-activation of a two-hour stationary team at ‘Faces’ in High Street, for less-mobile Street Angels to supplement walking patrols, on a monthly basis
- for sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading each Saturday night, both for the team walking the streets, and those praying at base
- for direction and decision making for BSA Trustees, Management Committee and Team Leaders, that they may discern God’s will and take the ministry forward
We appreciate your support and ask that you join at least one other Christian to bring your prayers for Bedford Street Angels to our Heavenly Father – maybe these themes could be included in your church and/or small group meetings?
Trevor Moisey,
on behalf of the Management Committee.